This day

By snapper

Well well!

Got the danged quarterly report done!
Took doggies this evening to an odl deserted village called Kilmory Oib. It as a hive of activity of 17 houses in the 15th century then was abandoned. There are still some of the old black house walls to be seen but the most peculiar thing is the well situated in front of an ancient standing stone. EVry single time I go there , the two dogs head for the well and Sam always goes for a dunk! its quite deep but he always manages to get out. Abbie just stares down into its depths and they took the puppy ith them and introduced her to it. Every time I go there usually in the evening, I leave the place feeling very mellow and peacefull and calm! I don't know what causes this and it also has the same effect on the dogs. Next time I will take someone with me to see if they feel the same!

Chubby hubby asked me if I looked into the well and I said no! he said you should. "If you were on a horse and he stopped to do that you should look between its ears!" Thats what comes from being married to a Hebridean!

Have a good blip evening all

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