Photos in A Major

By A

42°11'53.1N 9°03'09.0E

The end of a long day and a longer climb! A typical French breakfast to sustain & croissant, then a lift to the end of a forest road at Canaglia. Then a steady climb from 700 m to 1842 m, following a beautiful river with pools and swimming opportunities all the way. Slow going as we were carrying our packs for two overnights, together with a sleeping bag (something new for us really!).

Tonight staying at Petra Piana refuge, somehow slightly different from last years' Austrian Huts, this time we have no hot water, a dinner of dubious calorie content (one stock cube, one salami, a packet of spaghetti and 20 gallons of water between 30!) and are sleeping in a £20 tent from decathlon, with one sleep mat between us! Still the views are fantastic and the company of Germans, French & Belgium all sharing the same experiences over dinner makes it a night to remember!

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