A photo a day by Hillyx

By hillyx

Still experimenting!

Trying to get used to this little point and shoot camera.... and finding it ridiculously difficult to get a good shot! Boy - does it make me appreciate my G9! It looks like I might get something from the insurance company but I am still waiting for their call!

I took some shots while I was out at a gallery opening this evening but none of them were terribly good so I have just started trying out close-ups of my wonderful new earrings! Believe me... the earrings are so much MORE wonderful than this shot!!!! And EVEN MORE wonderful was the gorgeous lady that I bought them from at Towersey festival... Andrea - I know she will become a good friend! I knew the moment I set eyes on all her earrings!!!!! :) Check out www.akent.org.uk Fabulous!

I am so tired - I shall adjourn to my boudoir with my laptop I think!

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