Country File

By marypot

Chow time

I love Thursdays. Lovely feeling to have a few days off ahead, even more so when the weather is so glorious. Feels like a crime to be indoors on a day like this. What is so great about living here is that, no matter how hot it gets, there is usually a coolish breeze blowing so it never feels too stifling. Today I went out and did a spot of tidying up around the containers in front of the house and sorted out a few shrubs that need planting out into the main garden. The garden has been cleared of a lot of old growth and has minimal fruit/veg in it this year. We're trying to get a space suitable for Grace to play in when she is old enough.

I also had three friends and their babies here today. We had a leisurely lunch and a great chat. The babies are getting so much more grown up. It's wonderful to see them starting to interact more, even if all they seem to do at the moment is screech very loudly and poke each other in the eye.

This sheep is in a field close to the house. It's funny to watch the lambs career across to their mam and almost but her off of her feet as they go to feed. The look on the sheep's face says it all.

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