Between Brushstrokes

By felicitypapp

Rigor Mortis

Death seems to be emerging as this month's predominant theme.

As I was leaving the house I came across a juvenile wood pigeon that was huddled against a wall in the drive way, not reacting to my approach. It was fluffed up and shaky on it's feet, hardly able to support its own weight, head tucked between its wings.
I picked it up and took it inside to get it out of harm's way and see if there was anything I could do.

Sometimes, when a bird flies into a window, it will remain stunned for a long time. That was the best case scenario and turned out to be wishful thinking.
An hour later it was dead. I'm assuming it had severely damaged its spine, as everything else seemed healthy.

I arranged it for some photo studies and we spent some more time together under the studio lights until stiffness set in.

It had grey eyes, like me.

shot on expired Polaroid Instant Film (ISO 80) with a Polaroid Model 350

go to September 2nd for another dead pigeon on Polaroid

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