They Take Their Challenge to Their Hearts...
I have been growing Beans.
This one is getting too large for the pot, but seems quite comfortable. I'm worried that if I repot her she might wither?
My first KitKat was called Puddle; named for what she left in my flatmates handbag on the trip home.
Puddle was a bad case of Crazy Kiteh. Puddle would stand on her back legs, with her front paws under your duvet; watching and waiting for the movement. And then she would strike.
My mother was terrified to stay. The camp bed was low, and Puddle could pretty much reach ever orifice with one swipe. You could hear her whispering loudly in the morning. "Come and get me, that Cat is staring at me".
A plumber once came to the house to fix the loo. "Watch out for the cat", I said, "she's a bit psychotic". He laughed me off.
He stopped for a break and was having a cuppa when I noticed a movement behind him. Puddle was in optimum pounce mode. Laying "planked" across the top of the door. The plumber stood up, from leaning on the couch and Puddle made his move.
That cat could fly some. Landed on his shoulders and sunk his teeth into the plumbers neck. Yeah, our Cat knew how to attack.
Rest in Peace Puddle! You maniac you!
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