Still the river.....

Sorry if this is getting boring :) I was thinking about it today - how my blip photos dont normally say much about my day. That in fact, my blips are often breaks in my day. They are often 20 mins that I stop everything else and go off and play with the camera....almost a type of meditation for me. Like today, I loved sitting down....more or less, IN the river, trying again and again to get the photo right. I had 4 10-12 year old boys to dinner and E has a friend staying the night days are full - and these camera breaks in my day are lovely....important for me to have these creative minutes....then the busier parts are also so much more fun.

I was using my small tripod to help balance the camera on rocks right in the river, and using very slow shutter speeds with my wide angle lens.

So nice its Friday :) I hope you are all having good ones!

ps....just changed the photo...still river but different :) Sorry to those who commented on the first photo.

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