Little Me - Big World...

By LittleLynn

Kris Moves In....

Never had Uni today, there was a freshers fair on but I decided not to go as all it would be is people trying to get you to sign up for things but offering you free thanks!!

Kris moved in today so spent most of the morning trying to tidy up the flat and find most things a home.

Walked into town to meet Kris getting off the train and then we went for a wee look around the phones4u shop to see if I could get my phone fixed...hasn't worked properly since I got it a year ago...but they said that it would have to be sent away for repair and would take about 3weeks....that would leave me with no phone for 3 weeks!! Think I will just live with it for now.

Kris and I had some wine in the flat and then headed to our new local for a drink with Kris' mum and his sister.

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