In Between Days

By jase

Ferrybridge C

Ferrybridge is a village next to Pontefract and this is a picture of the power station there which I took from the footbridge on the way to catching the bus. From certain viewpoints you can see three power stations all coal fired (although I think they are toying with burning plants). Ferrybridge, Eggborough and Drax apparently produce more than 25 percent of England's electricity. There are a lot of pylons around here!

Took half day off at work and we are at the caravan now. Took ages to set up the's going to rain but hopefully not too much.

I mentioned that I used to work in a chippy. The building on the right with a flat roof is that chippy, now a pub called the Barleymow but still owned by my old Greek boss Gregorious Gregoriou or Greg. The chip shop was called Greg's. So during my A levels, when my mates were going out and learning to pub crawl I was stuck in the chip shop serving drunk people on pub crawls. It was better than my paper round.

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