Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Cobweb ...

My first blip of a cobweb and it took me sometime to get a reasonable shot. As the spider was so small, I could not focus on it, so I asked H to stand behind it with a black cardboard only after which I was able to focus and this is the result. I hardly see any around the house and was lucky to get a shot of this.

I was originally stalking butterflies, but ended up with this. I am also avoiding going outside as much as possible as dengue is at its peak and its better to avoid than to suffer badly from a deadly disease.

Otherwise an uneventful day. Mo and I might be heading out to buy some books.

Did zumba too for 30 minutes. On an average I'm doing Zumba 3 to 4 times a week. Not bad but I have to bring it to 5 to 6 times a week.

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