As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The Wantagh Volleyball Invitational

We had lunch for the first time this year and it was great. A few of us ate outside at one of the picnic tables and it was just great to have a break. After that, I almost fell asleep in AP Bio... We got our first Euro test back and I GOT AN 87!!!! I'm really happy with this because last year, not one person in the class even passed the test! Of course, this was a different test, but still! Research and Italian went by quickly and then school was over. Today was Audrey's bake sale. She sold out all of the food that she baked within the first ten minutes! She's having another one on Monday so if you go to my school and you are reading this, GO BUY SOMETHING FROM HER! Cross country practice was really easy today. After it I went home, showered, and went to the Wantagh Volleyball Invitational at the school with Kaitlin, Avery, and Kate. We ran into Lindsey, Kyra, Kaleigh, and Jen there. We cheered on our friends and they won their match against Kellenberg! Then the seven of us minus Jen went to Friendly's for ice cream. We told them that it was Avery's birthday (it's actually Sunday) but they didn't sing her the birthday song... After that, we walked back to the school and watched them win their close game with Sacred Heart to win the tournament! Great job, girls!

This is Jaclyn serving. All of the pictures I took are kinda blurry because I didn't want to be annoying and use the flash...

Word of the Day: Chichi - Affectedly trendy

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