I've been home from hospital for just a week now - and I would like to say a really big thank you to my family, friends and neighbours for being so wonderful.

I knew I was a lucky person and this week has really underlined it.

Thank you for the flowers and cards and good wishes, through every kind of social media.

Thank you to my family, neighbours and friends who have
- changed my "flight socks",
- driven me to my appointments and home again,
- given Sparkie fresh water (because I can spill it dramatically when using the "grabber"),
- cleaned up the full jar of mango chutney which I dramatically smashed on the kitchen floor,
- been on hand when I have had a shower,

- and just been there for me.

My physiotherapist was very pleased with me yesterday and I can honestly say that I'm feeling terrific.

I know I had superb medical care and attention - but my wonderful people have made an enormous difference this week.

Thank you

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