Granton Harbour
An early start bailing out of Red's while everyone was asleep, having only pocketed a couple of small antiques and some cash that I found in the second bottom drawer in the kitchen. Result. Had to get back to Edinburgh in time for Ewan's swimming class at 9am but I had time to stop on the hill on Granton Road, where it looks over the wee houses and the harbour. It was raining pretty steadily and looked like it was setting itself up for the day.
No wandering around Pennywell - I think it's done now anyway - and the afternoon's been spent in the garage building some nice industrial shelving that I acquired from a bunch of no-longer-required stuff at work. Then deconstructed the old bike shed in preparation to use as much as possible of the wood in roofing and making walls for the new one.
Then I cleaned and oil the chain on my bike for tomorrow and trued up the back wheel again. The weather's looking incredibly unpleasant - wind and rain although there might be some moments of sunshine. If you find me on Google Latitude ( you can track progress.
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