
By cowgirl

Me and my mate Adam

Had a nice day at Frome Cheese Show - so much more there than just cheese! I can't understand why it's only run for one day, so much work must go into organising it and there's so much to see.

The weather wasn't great but people had turned out in droves and the stalls and exhibitions were varied and interesting. The various displays in the entertainment rings were fab - Terrier Racing, The Axe Men ( yes, men weilding axes ), Birds of Prey, Beagles and Rockin' Horse Stunt Show to name but a few in one of the rings. There was Show Jumping in the main ring, Agility dogs in another, Fly Fishing ... and of course the Cattle area, with some of the judging done by Adam Henson ( from Countryfile, should there be anyone out there who's not familiar with him ). There were some beautiful cattle, sheep and goats about and Adam was kept busy all day. Being such a nice chap, he fitted in mini autograph signing sessions between classes and happily agreed to give up a big smile for my Blip.

Oh, and there was quite alot of cheese there too!

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