
By hoodedpigwoman

Too Clever For My Own Good

See what I did here? I've got in '100' and a self-portrait and a bit of photo-journalism! And some bird poo.

Other ways I have been too clever for my own good today are:
deciding to have another cup of tea before I went to get the insulation, although I knew there would be football on. Not looking at the route beforehand so being a little perturbed that it actually took be down two sides of Parkhead at 1pm.
Thinking that I could buy all the insulation and fit it in the car and get back round Parkhead before 2pm.

Erm, no. I had to do two trips with the trolley as only half the insulation would fit on at one time. Then despite my best efforts I couldn't get it all in. I don't know why I imagined I would get 6 rolls of insulation into a Fiat Punto, but I am an optimist...the annoying thing is, I would have if the last roll was 6 inches shorter. I asked them if they would cut it in half for me in the timber yard but they wouldn't (possibly a ridiculously dangerous request) so I had to leave it there, and go back tomorrow.

Then I got snarled up in full-on match traffic on the way back, and once I got past that, I missed the slip road to the motorway (somehow sat-navs make me more unsure of what is left and right, if that''s possible), and had to do a detour round the city centre. Gah. At least it was warm and almost sunny.

Thing is, I'm not entirely sure I can get that OUT of the car...

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