Without Malice

By aforethought

Patrouille en Ecosse

I have seen air displays before, but never been to an air show. And despite the weather and disappointing ground displays, the day was marvellous.

Train packed in the morning. An hour queue to get on an equally packed train home.

Almost no sign of sunshine, lots of drizzle, and 15 minutes of downpour.

A number of events cancelled due to the weather, and 10 hours on my feet. But...

Fantastic displays by the Blades and RV8tors prop aerobatics teams. Thrilling equivalent antics by their bigger brothers in the Patrouille de France. And a selection of smaller and solo displays including a bright orange Dutch F-16. All good in their own way.

The last air ready Vulcan was hugely impressive. And so loud that small children were wailing around us as it passed - it seems some parents didn't quite understand the ramifications of the LOUD warning. ;)

And a very poignant Red Arrows display, with a space left for Red 4, recently flown by Ft Lt Jon "Eggman" Egging until his fatal accident at the Bouremouth Air Festival.

I hope I have some decent SLR pics which I will upload to Flickr soon. Until then you will have to make do with my usual iPhone offering...

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