
By HeinerKfromGU

Liebermann-Villa at Wannsee

Day 1 of our short vacation tour we stoped at Concorde Hotel Forsthaus
http://www.concorde-hotels.de/h_forsthaus/index.html a very nice and quiet place to stay. From there we walked to the so called Liebermann-Villa close to the Great Wannsee. For details one could look at http://www.max-liebermann.de/EN/DesktopDefault.aspx?TabID=1

BTW, close to Liebermann-Villa one can find the so called "House of the Wannsee Conference" where on 20 January 1942, high-ranking representatives of the SS and police, ministerial bureaucracy, and the NSDAP met at this villa, which was the guesthouse of the Security Police and SS Security Service (SD), to discuss the Final Solution of the Jewish Question. The conference participants debated the responsibilities of and cooperation between their respective administrations with respect to the deportation of all European Jews. Around 6 million Jews had been murdered by 1945. More details please see at http://www.ghwk.de/engl/kopfengl.htm

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