One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The 3 D thing

I'm not much of a cinema goer.
Long gone are the days when I used to work on the calluses on my arse in the art-house cinemas of my student days.
I used to go at least twice a week back then.

Now it seems to be twice a decade.

I did not have much expectations when taking the kids to see the Smurfs this afternoon. I was expecting to see a polished turd, but a polished turd vaguely 3 D-ish.
The plot was indeed pretty abysmal and I was reminded of why I never warmed to the boring little mother smurfers back in the 70s.
But Gargamel was quite good. As well as the evil cat.
And the 3D thing was quite impressive. I remember seeing a really bad supposedly 3D movie when I was a kid, The Creature of the Lagoon or something, with the red/green paper glasses. Even as a child I thought that it failed to live up to the hype.

But I was quite impressed by seeing stuff actually coming out of the screen today. Even if they were annoying blue little morons in tight white lycra bottoms.

It was good to see Luca overcoming his old demons and feeling relatively at ease in a cinema.
Even when I told them that I got the wrong tickets and that we would see fright night (froight noight with that Farrel guy).

And in the morning we finally managed to manufacture some Alien Slime. We actually called it Burst Ulcer Wino's Puke Special and had great fun with it until Mrs Raheny came to wreck our buzz.
Something to do with the ruined pyamas. And the (more) ruined table. And the wino bloody puke stuck in the grooves of the beech floor.
Mums know how to have fun (not).

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