Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

A Fan of Fans

That's what I am at the moment in these hot and humid temperatures. It's meant to get a wee bit cooler in September, but it's 27 degrees today and feels hotter. My array of fans are placed around our house, so there's always one on hand and there's always one attached to me when we go out. My current favourite is the red and white one, which was a present from Caroline (featured in my Thursday's blip) and is from Sevilla; the land of Sevillanas and fans. It opens and closes beautifully with just a flick of the wrist and makes the loveliest swishing sound - two important features of a good fan. I've got a couple of 'special' fans, beautiful hand-painted ones, which I only use on high days and holidays as it's not uncommon for Bb and I to have to retrace out steps as I break out in a sweat when I realise I've lost one!

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