Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Plotting mischief

Day out at Whipsnade Zoo. I did a 40km cycling race that started and ended there and my entry fee included entry to the zoo. So we used Tesco vouchers to get Ross and the boys in which made it a cheap day out.

Really good cycle race. Very well organised which every kind of bike from fold up commuter bikes to top end racers. Victoria Pendleton started the race and was cycling too but she started behind me and I never saw her so she obviously couldn't catch me :-)
The route was good although hillier than I expected. I thought Buckinghamshire was flat! The last mile was up a hill that was about 1 degree off vertical! It took me 8.5 mins and most other miles took 3.5 mins.
I was 5 mins slower than I'd hoped but it was very windy and that hill was very, very hard- I made it to the top though.

Then we spent the rest of the day in the zoo. I hobbled around very slowly to start with! It's a big zoo so we must have walked miles. Great day out and now I'm shattered.

Edit: I just checked the results and I came 35th out of 650!!! I know there weren't many proper hard core cyclists in it but I'm still very impressed with that.
2nd edit: I beat Victoria by nearly an hour :-)

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