
He looks impressed doesn't he!

To reassure everyone, James magic powers have not been completely stripped - it was just a trim and tidy up. He is still a shaggy haired mop top, just a bit tidier.

Somehow we have had a very busy day. At 7.30 this evening, we all were quite bemused - we thought it was much later because we'd done everything we needed to do.

We watched a very harrowing documentary on the History channel this afternoon. "102 minutes that changed America". It was a timeline from the minute the first plane struck the WTC to a few minutes after the second tower collapsed. Put together with footage shot by civilians, close by and blocks away, from the ground, and from the safety and distance of their apartments. Tied in with footage from news crews and recordings of the emergency services communications, it was mesmerising, as as utterly terrifying as it felt watching it 10 years ago.

Like most, I remember details of that day. I know that everytime I see any footage, my horror that anything of that scale could occur at the hands of fellow humans is as strong as it was.

So, I am not being cliched or patronising when I say that today, I have thought about the lives lost, the efforts of the emergency services and the lives of those who survived. I hope that in my lifetime we don't see anything of that nature again. I fear my hopes are naive.

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