The List Lady

By listlady

A Flying Start

My baby starts school tomorrow, and this is me getting the school uniform blip in before it gets worn. Alex is VERY excited about starting school, and whilst I'm obviously pleased and excited for him, it's one of those 'my baby's growing up' moments. I'm going to be a proud, emotional mummy tomorrow :-)

This is the first day I've had a (proper) chance to sort photos and publish a Blip since the end of July - eek! I came to a grinding halt when we went on holiday and I didn't get a chance to Blip whilst away, then came home with nearly 1500 images to narrow down to 14! So, I'm now going to try to get back to a daily(ish) Blip and backblip one or two each day. I'll also try to get back to commenting on other's blips.

A couple of back blips to get me started!

Wednesday, 7th Sept
What's Going to Work?

Thursday, 8th Sept Tinkerbell and the New Camera

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