
By bigsuze

was VERY scared!!!

this is the view through the rear screen of the boat, onto a corner of the pontoon. it's so blurry because the boat was being hammered by the wind and rain.
the rain had stopped then, suddenly, it was as though someone had thrown a shovel of gravel at the back screen, so sudden & violent was the onset of the next rain.
it is the first time in all the years i have stayed on the boat in the marina, that i wore a lifejacket merely to walk along the pontoon to the manager's office to ask jus how bad the weather was going to become. last time i was there at the end of may, the day after i left, there was such fierce weather that part of the pontoon by the boat shattered. if i'd still been there i would have been stuck on the boat. so i was very uneasy today.

the bad weather continued throughout the day & into the night, but gradually eased.

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