
By Shin

Lego Magazine

The people at Lego are really very clever. They give you this magazine subscription for free when you buy some lego (not all the time, but occasionally). Their magazine is packed with things to buy, and only a few comics, which don't really have a full storyline. It's really just a spread of a short story, which I don't think even continues in the next magazine (correct me if I'm wrong). So of course my son comes to me all the time, saying I want this lego or that lego. I love lego, but sometimes this is a bit much. And because the stories aren't really full stories, they are even less interesting for me to read to him (he doesn't read by himself yet)

On another note, we went out for pizza last night and I thought it was a good idea to upload my pictures of the day whilst gone. Unfortunatly there was a power blip and somehow my computer froze. After restarting all files of the batch which I had tried to upload were corrupted and only a few of the 50 had made it to my Flickr, which I use as a back up. I went looking for recovery software, but I couldn't find any freeware, but I did find a program which lets you view the shots you've taken, but unless you pay, you can't save them to disk. I decided to make screenshots, which were still acceptable quality for 10x15cm prints.

I also back blipped february 24, which I promised on the 25th. Also another film I took, which was part of my previous roll. It's funny how I got all into digital when it came out, and now I'm leaning a bit back on film

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