In a Marcie Minute

By INaMarcieMinute

A little bit of Sunday...

My sister Jen. Sitting at the lake, watching her middle and 3rd, Matt and Lizzy, take their last dip for the season. A little bit of the Sunday blues, perhaps, as there is much for her to do before the start of the week. Mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, coach. She is an amazing woman and shares my philosophy on life: "Embrace chaos".

While Jen and the bigger kids went golfing, I took Matt to the prosthetics lab for a little adventure. His initial intrigue fell to silliness and "three legs" (adding one between his two, of course!). After that, we picked up Lizzy at a friend's on our way to the lake. Within 10 seconds (and an empty seat between them) there were screams, physical contact... and tears. Freshly pulled carrots and sour gummy worms were involved. I told Lizzy if she didn't stop crying I'd have to pull over and take her picture. She didn't believe me... now she does.

The trip was tear-free and we eventually met my sister with the rest of our crew at the lake to help our parents with some wintering tasks. Lizzy lovingly kept Grandpa entertained and somewhere along the line, the toad Matt found became a statue of rigor mortis... Matt was interviewed, acquitted, and a proper burial ensued.

It was a half staff day for our American flag. We spent time remembering 10 years ago today, and all our heros who serve(d) our country, and our fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice selflessly. Thank you, Nick.

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