It Started Down Under

By dirk

Musical, Rummikub & Movies

First thing this morning (after waking up and having breakfast) I picked up the trombone player and drove to Oostelbeers for the rehearsal of Dromen Durven Leven. Despite the fact that some of the key role players were not there, we had a useful run-through of the entire show. The first ideas of costumes have already emerged and things are starting to look like the final thing.

When home afterwards, I played a game of Rummikub against my girlfriend and my "little" brother. It was warm and humid, but by spending the afternoon in 'passive mode' we managed to enjoy ourselves.

After dinner my girlfriend and I set up my (green) second-hand beamer, laptop and sound installation to watch a couple of movies. We did not feel like putting up the screen, so we watched it on a closet with many doors. It did not bother us at all. The green even got filtered away after a while by our eyes/brain. The result was that things started looking quite red when turning away from the movie...

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