shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

It's going to be a lovely day? Hmm, perhaps not!

I was very cheered by the blue sky when waiting for the bus this morning, particularly having seen the wind last night. I thought Katia might have already blown herself out, but once I reached Stirling realised that was not the case! I came home from work at lunchtime and have been working from home this afternoon as I didn't fancy getting stuck! I have trees outside my window, and have been watching them bending backwards and forwards and feeling very pleased I did, though I think the trains are still running, though with some delays. A guy I know who works with my sister put a thing up on Facebook, saying (with language a little cleaned up) 'why do the yanks have to give us not just bad politics and stupid wars, but also their crap weather?!' It made me laugh, even if things are a little more complicated than that!

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