Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

Today I am soooooo proud of Izzy, she had a half day at preschool today and she was so good leaving me today. She found her name badge herself then just gave me a kiss and a cuddle, told me she loved me and asked me if I would be back after singing, (yes of course Izzy!!!) Bless her, I'm sure we will still have bad days but today has been a good day!

So when I picked her up from preschool, she asked if she could get changed so I let her and what she is wearing in this photo is completely her choice, haha, so then we went for a nice long walk to the corn feild and then through the forest, as I promised Izzy yesterday that we would go on a bear hunt today!!

Today has been a lovely day, even if i did fall asleep before Izzy bedtime! She led down next to me and I coul dhear her telling me that she loved me lots and stroking my hair. Daddy put her to bed and so I got a few hours kip!

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