Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


This is the view from, it has to be said, my very comfortable hospital bed.

Today I had my dreaded gallbladder removal operation by keyhole surgery (or laparoscopic cholecystectomy to give it its proper name). Graham dropped me at the hospital at about 10.50am. I was telling him to look after the boys should anything happen! He was telling me not to be so morbid...but these thoughts were the ones going through my mind at the time.

I went straight onto the medical ward, sat in the waiting room for about 5 minutes before a nurse called me through, went through my notes, took my blood, gave me the gown/surgical stockings to wrestle with and then I went back to the waiting room. Five minutes after that the anaesthetist came to go through my notes and to explain what would happen and then another nurse came to go through my notes and to take me down to theatre. I didn't have time to think about much and before I knew it I was inches away from the theatre doors....then I woke up. Or tried to wake-up. The anaesthetic really zonked me out. I remembered being wheeled onto a ward. Then I thought I'd been asleep for hours but would wake up to see that the clock had only moved on by five minutes. I ended up staying in overnight on oxygen but all went well and no concerns.

I remember that my bag had been left (and locked) on the medical ward which was closed at weekends. I wanted my things and especially my phone so that I could send the boys a text to say I was okay. I got quite weepy over my bag!! Nobody knew the number codes for the door...except for the cleaners and I got my bag back at almost midnight thanks to them!

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