Signed Sophia
Really pretty in large. Treat yourself. Sophia insists!
Work has slipped behind on a number of fronts so I'm in catch up mode for a few days, trying to focus on the things that I have to do rather than the things that I want to do. I did give myself the 'present' of a run on the moor first thing, hoping to catch some bright morning light. It didn't look too promising as I got hit by a squally shower within minutes of leaving the house, but with the feisty Katia still whipping up a fair storm it passed by quickly enough. There was a lot of cloud around but with the impeccable timing that I'm now coming to expect, the sun duly performed for me on top of the Cow and Calf rocks.
I'm pleased with this shot in that I think I've managed to capture the beautiful quality of that first golden light hitting the crags and the heather. Lower on the moor the heather has pretty much lost its sheen, but on these exposed parts it is still quite colourful. It looks like an exquisitely peaceful scene here, but appearances can be deceptive. The truth is that I was sheltering beside a rock, desperately trying to hold the camera still as I was being buffeted by the fierce wind. I tell you, I am truly dedicated to the blip cause!
I trust that regular followers are relieved to see that I've managed to secure an escape! It was touch and go there for a while there but I am free again - although definitely a changed photographer as a result of this recent flirtation with the "dark side". Hopefully I can find a way of popping in and out of mono without getting totally ensnared. I fear though that it calls me like a Siren!
I wanted to make a personal observation, for this blog side of blipping, about life moving on. No.1 son is 20 years old today. He had a late night with his mates and asked not be disturbed this morning. He has already left for a night out in Leeds - so I will not actually get to see him today. No.2 son is down south visiting with his mother for a few days. I will have a quiet evening in on my own. I'm left with ambivalent feelings, but the one I'm going to focus on is the peace that I will be met with when I arrive home, and the lack of any demand for food to be cooked. I'm going to feast on salad!
Finally, I feel very privileged to have picked up quite a number of new subscribers over the last couple of days, plus some lovely comments from various people. I could easily spend a wonderful evening catching up with everybody but that would get me in big trouble with my team who are waiting on me to fix various things ready for the morning. For now, work has to take priority over play.
PS I've no idea who Sofia is, but I just love the way she's signed her name to this photograph. It was another of those blips that just named itself.
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