
By astudyinscarlet

10pm twilight

over in the west today, keeping the taxman happy by working for a different company to keep my self-employed status. glorious morning, but the heavens opened in thundery showers when i was wandering around during my break - it makes me laugh (or despair) to see how many women were flapping around in flipflips, shorts and flimsy tops and getting a right drenching: you live in scotland; when the forecast suggests showers, carry a brolly! silly lot. i didn't have the camera, so of course there were blips a-plenty on offer. oh well, it's not likely to be the only time we get weather like this, so maybe next time...

still, this isn't a bad shot - just the front of the building as i was heading for the train home, but the twilight's nice reflecting off the glass and sucking the colour out of everything.

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