Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Sorry. Bad day. Couldn't think of a better blip. Or a better title.

Perhaps it'll help if I write it down, so instead of just me feeling sorry for myself some kind blippers may feel sorry for me!

* Last week D kept us awake most nights. We thought he was teething.
* Last week O kept complaining about her tongue saying it was hurting her, but we couldn't see anything.
* Last Wednesday I fell off my bike, and apart from lots of bruises and cuts, I seem to have damaged my right arm and shoulder.
* Last Thursday I got lost in the forest in the pouring rain.
* On Friday morning D woke up with a rash on his body.
* On Friday afternoon the rash had spread to his face.
* On the way home from school on Friday (which is less than 10 minutes) O fell asleep in the car - a sure sign that something wasn't quite right. We put it down to her being back at school for a few weeks and doing full days.
* We had a fairly quiet weekend hoping that kids just needed some rest.
* On Monday D was very chirpy having slept really well and seemed back to normal.
* Hubby had a terrible night as he had a really bad throat and struggled to talk.
* O also had a terrible night crying in her sleep. When I looked at her mouth and lifted her lips I was upset to see that they were bright red and she had blister/ulcers in the corners of her mouth. We kept her off school as she could barely eat or drink. My research (don't you just love google) led me to believe that she had hand, foot and mouth (which could have been the problem with D last week, except he didn't have any blister type things). The doctor said she had a mouth infection (not sure how much was lost in translation).
* It's hard work keeping your children off school when you both work as it's a real juggling act.
* O had another really bad night and when she woke up this morning she said she didn't want to go to school (usually she even wants to go at the weekends).
* D thought it would be a good idea to start his day at 5am today, something which he hasn't done for about six months.
* So, once again we've had to juggle work and looking after an ill child. We somehow managed to arrange it so that neither of us missed any teaching which was good.
* Now I'm tired and have to plan for tomorrow.
* Only seven weeks until half term.
* Brilliant.

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