well helloooo catwalk kitty

I dunno, you buy yourself a pair of boots and your kids steal them, blip them, prance around the house in them before you've even had chance to open the parcel they came in!

And these days I can't even take pleasure in the fact that I'm the only one they really fit....

Today has been a bit runny-aroundy again. It's very unfair and shouldn't be allowed at all. I'm thinking of putting in a protest with....er...someone.

Right now I am washing up, making all the meals for tomorrow as I'll be out all day, helping Flea with her homework (she has to summarise something and, due to the way her brain is wired, asking her to summarise is a bit like asking me to run quickly up Mount Everest before tea - i.e. a total waste of time cos it won't happen - so it's up to me to tell her the short version ((in English)) while she forms proper sentences in German....) and I still have to shower, do the ironing, put the clean laundry away (the stuff I got washed at 6am this morning), pack my bags etc so I can be on the 6.30 train in the morning. Holy-schmoley, this ain't the life.

Top marks to all those who saw through my trickery yesterday, it was indeed a wooden spoon resting on an avocado and not a loo seat with a rather uncomfortable looking poo lurking underneath! I spect you are all relieved now.

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