My fridge/my terrace

By fridgeguy

terrace 13.09.11

Stormy weather

It's been a bit crazy weather wise here for the last couple of days or so and when I looked out this morning this is what I saw -

The fuchsia I bought at the start of the summer has snapped like a twig and lots of scattered and broken plants. Bit sad about the fuchsia as it was very pretty but am kinda glad I didn't try planting out my horde from dobbies on Sunday, otherwise I'm sure I'd have further casualties. Seems laziness can be a force for good after all, remember that folks.

Tided up a bit when I got home this eve and chopped a few lose limbs off plants to prevent further damage, but I'm going to wait until the wind and rain die down before sorting things out.

Right now it looks like wine-oclock to me.

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