And that ladies and gentlemen is the setting point

The winds continued to batter Scotland last night and this morning and countless sets of wee legs struggled to get to school. Hey forget the people who struggled to get to work, it is the small people I feel sorry for when horizontsal rain hits our town.

Another tree was brought down in the Meadows today, the leaves on the trees acting as sails. Thankfully the damage looks not too bad, but I haven't been scouring the papers to see what the worst was.

We are back into jam making season wherein, I wander round getting arms and legs scratched beyond recognition ('Ahem, about one scratch only I think' they cried) and Madame gets to make stunning smelling confitures, naturellement. It is a fair square deal. As I very very rarely attempt anything sweet in the kitchen, literally 1 sweet dish prepared in 100 would be an exageration, I let her handle this side of the bargain.

And the setting point is therefore the point at which the jam surface begins to resist slightly, an indication that the jam has cooked long enough, your honour.


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