Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Quick Sick Blip

still feeling horrible, unfortunately. Hannah & I both ended up staying home, though I think she could have gone to school. I've been sneezing, running low grade fever, coughing, full of aches & very light-headed. Not fun. I hate making that call in the morning: is it worth missing work/school? I emailed her core teachers & phoned the school to report she'd be absent. The teachers sent work to catch up if she can--which she has.

Anyhow, I took this quick sick blip (not a line I recommend repeating too many times, unless you need a little strange humor today!) ...from my front porch, looking out to the misty morning light streaming in from the east. Thinking maybe it would have worked in black & white..not something I'm comfortable with yet.

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