When I checked the caterpillars this morn I saw that my little fluffy one had doubled in size overnight!!! Couldn't believe the change in it and then my neighbour asked if I had seen the new caterpillar she had put in the farm for me!! lol
It had been on her sons school bus when he got home so she rescued it for me. I have looked it up and I think that it is a "buff ermine moth" not sure if I am right but I guess I will find out eventually.

Jack and Erin are at preschool full time now, Mon - Fri 9am till 12. Still trying to get used to it and don't like it to be honest but I know they need to go. Embarrassingly today though I had to stay behind because Jack had bitten another child. It was awful, the teacher and other Mum were lovely but I was so cross/sad/embarrassed/disappointed, he has been told that if he does it again I won't let him stay and I will bring home. Hope to good he is good tomorrow. I don't want him to be the naughty boy I want him to be my sweet Jack.

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