
By MallyC

Kakapo 'Sirocco'

On a high.....

Fantastic evening at Orokonui Sanctuary meeting Sirocco the Kakapo. The Kakapo is the worlds only flightless, nocturnal forest parrot. Thought to be on the brink of extinction in early 1970's until a small population was discovered on Stewart Island/Rakiura. Thanks to a dedicated band of determined conservationists today there is now 129 Kakapo living naturally but protected and cared for. Check out website for more info. Or google Kakapo - they are a fascinating bird.

Apologies for poor quality of image but there was a glass/perspex wall between me and He and of course the light was feeble so had to crank up the ISO to 1800 and hope He wouldn't move.

Got to smell his poop ( pine fragrant)and feathers (sweet air ) and enjoyed his antics. Sirocco was sickly as a chick and was hand reared by conservationists and so he thinks he is human. He loves the attention but has been confused by the reflection of a Kakapo he sees every evening. Really wanted to get in the glass enclosure to experience Sirocco up close but for many reasons this was impossible. Maybe one day some of us maybe lucky enough to see Kakapo in the wild...

To bed to dream...


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