Right Hook !
All together now......."The sun has got his hat on, hip,hip,hi......" Sorry, sunshine in Scotland, tends to go to our heads a little, beaches will be swarming with bikini clad .....ok imagination running wild....(quite a thought though!) And if thats really happening...where am I.......babysitting.....month and a half Justyn(with a Y)!! As if my own are not enough ....now I've got my sisters tribe !!! ;0)
Men are meant to be out conquering worlds and ......Oops nappy needs changing....back in mo' !!
Where was I ....never mind...Busy wee bee today....Thank the lord...amongst other things,cot building, son to Orthodontist...he took it well, too many teeth, 4 to come out to make way for others.....you seeing what I'm seeing.......be seeing more of this orthodontist me thinks !!!!
Blip today is off Justyn (with a Y)'s hand....wouldn't open it for me......as much as I tried.....piano fingers ........let him off though........this time
Have a great day everyone ;0)
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