Swings 'n' roundabouts

By LincDispImgs

End of our summer ..

This rather large sunflower ( over 10' tall ) is the single, solitary flower in our new garden .. if you dont include the weeds ! We moved in to a brand new house in March and my 5yr old wanted to plant something .. so a sunflower it was to be !

It took a while, but it has survived slugs, drought ( forgetfullness !), next doors football and the very recent high winds but still it is there as a (we like to think) testament to its excellent footings in a clay pot full of B&Q's finest bargain soil !

Anyway, our summer is all but over and so, I expect, is our sunflowers .. it is destined to become compost and but a photo in a forgotten digital album ...

But hey, thanks sunflower .. you were the best .. ok, you were the only !

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