This is my Blip Life

By Kathy

Love , Live, Laugh ..............

Love , Live , Laugh ......I try to do these things every day, but I know some days I could do better .

One thing I have done, is to take a photo every day for a 100 days . My first entry was posted on the 7th June , and I was determined to keep it going.
At first, it seemed easy enough , and I had a host of ideas buzzing round my head .
The last few weeks have been more of a challenge.

Today's blip was supposed to involve a packet of Jelly Babies, but when I opened them at 6.45am , they didn't seem upto the job , and what I wanted to celebrate the big 100 with.

So, back to the drawing board , and then something caught my eye. To me, this is what blip has been all about . It has opened my eyes , and made me look at what I have around me , the things I love and appreciate , that normally I seem to take for granted . I have had an insight into how other people live their lives and what they want to share on a daily basis . Most of all, I have had some wonderful laughs , at pictures, comments, and my own escapades at trying to find something to share .

So , onwards and upwards .......... I estimate my next century to be just before Christmas . So , tinsel , baubles, booze , the tree , it's coming to a blip near you ! .

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