For the family

By RonaMac


One of those "treadmill days" when it never stops, so an easy blip is called for tonight.

This believe it or not this is a scarf!. One ball of yarn with the instructions on the reverse of the band and when knitted gives a ruffled scarf. More fashion that warmth for the winter, I would say.

I haven?t knitted for years, saw this yarn in a shop in Devon when on holiday in June and thought that it might be something new. It took an evening to knit on an occasion when I needed to keep my hands occupied whilst, I worked out some thoughts.

Not sure if it is my colour or style, so it can wait in the box of gifts for donation.

Apologies to the serious knitters in the Blip community, for calling this knitting. I can do better, promise.

Off to call one of the team who wants "a quick chat" about a concern and prepare to be interviewed by a journalist tomorrow, hope she is as friendly as the chap today. An even bigger hope is that the information will be interpreted and conveyed correctly!

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