
By notsonormallife

Nifty Fifty

50th blip!

Okay it's actually more as I did delete an entry a couple of months ago.. But according to official records this is my 50th entry. I figured I'd reveal something pretty big.. (i can't remember if I've spoken about this in a blip, but I'm fairly certain I haven't). Drumroll please......

I'm a pro-wrestling fan!

Yep, I like to watch oiled-up men pretend to fight in sweaty leotards! Well that's all that some people believe anyway. The thing about being a wrestling fan, it has a stigma that often makes me not want to admit it. If I do, I normally get the same confused look & people ask me one of these questions;
* 'You realise it's all fake don't you?'
* 'Really? You know they are all on steroids right?'
* 'arent you a bit old for that?'
* 'Oh i used to watch that, Is Hulk Hogan still around?'
I still find it hilarious that people will judge me just because I watch what is ONLY a certain type of TV show! The question that annoys me the most is the 'You know it's fake?'. I feel sorry for people who ask me this, as if they really believe that a 26 year old hasn't figured that out yet. If they really believe i don't know this then I fear for their intelligence, plus what tv/entertainment show ISNT faked? Wrestling is just entertainment filmed in the guise of a sport, hence why it's called 'Sports Entertainment' these days. Anyway I'm warbling on defending it, when I wanted to write about my love of it.

I've been a wrestling fan for years, I'm grateful to my parents who always told me about how wrestling worked from when I started watching it. It gave me an appreciation of what they do. Obviously that didn't stop me & my brothers wanting to emulate the superstars we saw on screen! (My left ankle is permanently damaged from the repeated 'Ankle locks' my brother used to put on me). Its always been a fantasy of mine to wrestle, to entertain & get the buzz of a live crowd.

Today's pic is one of my prized possessions, it's a full size replica of one of the belts that my 'Hero' Eddie Guerrero won in his career! It cost me a lot of money, & will take a lot for me to part with it! Eddie was always one of my favourites from ever since he was in wCw.. Sadly he is no longer with us, he passed away from a heart failure due to the damage his previous drug addictions had caused. He was in a very bad place in his life, yet somehow managed to get past it, find religion,giver one his addictions to become, in my opinion, the best EVER at what he did. I can remember exactly how I felt when he passed. I've been lucky in that I've not had anyone close to me pass away in my life, but if it hurts and is emotional as it was as when Eddie passed, then I don't know how I'll cope.

I've rambled on a lot.. Which probably shows my passion for this form of entertainment. I love wrestling.. & that's the bottom line, cos stone cold said so!

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