Giving this a go...

By Debiives

My other baby

I've had this for a couple of months now and thought it'd do for an emergency blip today.
If you run and don't have one go and get one. I love it. I can spend hours geeking over the data is gives me after each run and cycle.
For example on Sunday the steepest hill was 1 mile long & had an average gradient of 10% and took me 8mins 40 to cycle up. My quickest mile had an average speed of 23.4mph.

Anyway this is tonight's run. First time I've done more than 5 miles in a while.

Manic day at work today. I can't get there before school starts and have 6 single lessons (usually have some doubles) on 5 different topics/subjects and then have to leave as soon as school finishes to take Cameron to his swimming lesson. Considering moving his lesson and letting him go to 'Club Energy' (which he is desperate to go to) after school which would give me an hour to get things done at work. It'd cost me an extra £5 a week though but is probably worth it.

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