Free as a bird

By freebird

Dazzling dahlia 2

This is the second of the mixed bag of dahlias to bloom. There were three in the bag and all three were un-named. It couldn't be more different to the pristine white one that featured in my journal several days ago. Dahlias are amazing - how can something so beautiful grow from something as ugly as a dahlia tuber? I'm really going to try to keep them properly through the winter so that I can enjoy their beauty in years to come. The third one looks healthy enough but there is no sign of a flower yet - I live in hope.
Spent the day planning for a short trip to Scotland to see my relatives starting Sunday.
PS: I think this dahlia variety might be 'Procyon' - I found it on the National Dahlia Collection website It's a bi-coloured small decorative, apparently.

For the record: 17C, sunny periods, the calm after the storm.

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