Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Oh, I think that I should bee

Happy as a bumblebee covered in golden pollen!

Today was a bright and shiny day....the golden rays poured forth from the heavens like luscious honey. The sky of blue played hide and seek with huge white clouds, then the sun would come out once again...

It was a beautiful day and I hoped to see something special in the garden. When i went out to look, alas, there was nothing. But wait! As I approached the wall of goldenrod behind the garage, there seemed to be a massive hum...

Looking more closely, I saw so many bumblebees, working, and absolutely covered in pollen! I saw honeybees as well. It was nearly shameful the way those bumbles were attacking the flowers...their pollen sacs looking near to exploding! And yet, still they gathered even more!

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