Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Testing, Testing 1,2,3

A really early Blip for me but I thought it was a perfect morning to test my new lens. This was taken for our third floor window at 610am. The church you can just see, I cant see with my bare eyes. I took it on the furthest lens just to see what it can do. The sky is stunning this morning and I am sure there will be a lot of gorgeous sunrises on Blip today :)

Stanley hasnt been been well so I am really worried about going away. He didnt eat yesterday and has been sick a lot. I saw a long white worm in some of it so Simon is sorting him at the vets today. I hate going away when he is like this - I'm a bad mom!

I have googled it and the consensus seems to be tape worm or round worm but get him to the vets ASAP. Not ideal leaving Simon with the four dogs.........

Anyway, I have to fly. I have a meeting in Banbury at 9am. WIll try to Blip over the next three days but will catch up on comments on Sunday :)

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