Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander


These two are BFFs (well as much as kids are when they are seven). They first met when they were 3, and they struck it off big style. The day of the Eldest's 4th birthday party, BFF abandoned us for Christchurch...her dad had been transferred down there for work.

Middle of last year, before all the earthquakes, her dad was transferred back up, and the family moved back into the area. These two picked up their friendship like there'd never been a gap.

They reckon they're going to marry each other, and this has been consistent since they were 3 too. Their merged surnames would make them the Heinewart family. Has a certain ring doesn't it. They have rejected that suggestion of mine, and reckon their surname will be Astra.

During today's playdate, they decided they needed makeovers. This was the result. I think we will be in trouble in a few years time....

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