Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

Speak Out With Your Geek Out Day 4 #speakgeek

And onto day four of Speak Out With Your Geek Out.

This one is probably only geeky for the subject matter rather than the actual hobby. I like to spend my spare time painting wargaming miniatures. I don't get to do it as often as I'd like these days but I did have a lot of spare time once. I can count on one hand the number of actual games I've played in the last 10 years but I still love painting.

There is just something about it that I can't put my finger on that I get when I've finished a miniature. Satisfaction maybe? I used to be really good at it and had a couple of figures in the Glasgow Games Workshop display case when I was about 15. I lost touch with the hobby for years at one point until one of my friends got back into the actual gaming side of things. I picked up my paintbrush and I don't think I'll ever put it down again.

One standout miniature I painted was about 15 years ago. I was working in a supermarket and it was my supervisers 21st birthday party. I tracked down a halfling cook figure, cut off it's cleaver and replaced it with flagon of ale. The chef's apron was painted in our Safeway colours and I swear it was the spitting image of Barry. I just wish I'd managed to get a photograph of it before I gave it to him.

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