
Summer has peeked round the door again, and the Meadows are bathed in sunshine with people sitting in huddles on the grass. It seems ages since I saw this scenario.

It was the kind of start to the day which had me out on a walkabout before breakfast and later on a cycle run out to the Land of Flowers.

There were two mistakes made on this trip: I forgot my purse and I inflated my tyres to 100psi.
To forget one's purse means that you do without a coffee and you can't take advantage of their 20% discount offer for the day.
Hordes of people hadn't forgotten their purses and the queue for the 2 for 1 unhealthy breakfasts was enormous. The bulbs I meant to buy did not cycle home with me and will entail another visit.

To inflate ones tyres to 100psi insures an extremely rough ride on the appalling Edinburgh road surfaces. Everything rattles including teeth, and handlebars have to be gripped extra tightly lest hands are bounced off as you career over subsidences, which don't yet qualify for the name of potholes, uneven patchings, and cunningly placed manhole covers.

Nevertheless, on a day like today, cycling is such a pleasure and a much nicer exercise than working up a lather in the gym, which is just as well considering there was a ns for me there this morning- again.

It's not often I have to pull the blind down to block the sunlight, so I'm sharing the experience with you.

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